DeRay Mckesson Twitter is half me trying to live in the world and half me processing and sharing the world. I share a lot, and some of that is to keep me honest. – DeRay Mckesson Honest Quotes Live Quotes Lot Quotes Processing Quotes Share Quotes Sharing Quotes Twitter Quotes There are very few things that I don’t talk about – even my relationships. As a gay black man, it’s important to me to show up – that I’m able to show up as my whole self, in every space that I’m in, because that’s how I’m able to be the most true to who I am.
Chris O'Dowd Being at the genesis of the creative process is definitely something I want to keep doing. It’s just such a great buzz. – Chris O’Dowd
BeautyQueen Latifah Beauty is not just a white girl. It’s so many different flavors and shades. – Queen Latifah
Christopher Koch I’ve known several spies who have wanted to become novelists. And novelists who became spies, of course. – Christopher Koch
Jonny Lee Miller It’s very strange to become a character: the lines get blurred, and you start to sort of, I don’t know, take it home too much? – Jonny Lee Miller
David Ogden Stiers We lament the speed of our society and the lack of depth and the nature of disposable information. – David Ogden Stiers
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