Devin McCourty Two teams trying to win a football game at the end of the season is going to be chippy. It’s going to be everything from pushing and shoving to fighting for extra yards. – Devin McCourty Chippy Quotes Extra Quotes Fighting Quotes Football Quotes Game Quotes Pushing Quotes Season Quotes Shoving Quotes Teams Quotes Win Quotes Yards Quotes In the NFL you can’t say this game is the biggest game ever and you get all pumped up and you go win and then you’re like ‘alright we did it’ and then you go out and you play bad for the next two or three. Like every week you’ve got to be ready to go because they’re all big games. The game slows down each game you play, the more you play.
CourageLinda Ellerbee I think laughter may be a form of courage. As humans we sometimes stand tall and look into the sun and laugh, and I think we are never more brave than when we do that. – Linda Ellerbee
Bennett Miller As a filmmaker, you’re looking to reveal something. When other people relate to it, it makes an otherwise lonely world a little less lonely. – Bennett Miller
Chip Gaines Obviously, Jo and I, as a couple, we just don’t want to redline. You know, we don’t want to run so hard after some dream or some goal only to find out that we’ve neglected the thing that means the very most to us, which is our marriage and our relationship. – Chip Gaines
Cal RipkenJr Being elected to the Hall of Fame is about your career pretty much and your impact on the game. – Cal Ripken, Jr
James Howard Kunstler When a society is stressed, when it comes up against things that are hard to understand, you get a lot of delusional thinking. – James Howard Kunstler
ChangeJasmine GuyMen There are brilliant out lesbians and gay men and bisexuals and transgendered people and heterosexuals keeping the fire of change alive. Not a day goes by when I don’t feel grateful to them for their work. – Jasmine Guy
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