Bob Menendez Ultimately, the NRA has maybe five million members. We are a nation of 320 million-plus, and it’s time we call out those who stand on the wrong side of history and spout the same old NRA talking points. – Bob Menendez History Quotes Millionplus Quotes Nation Quotes Nra Quotes Spout Quotes Stand Quotes Talking Quotes Time Quotes Ultimately Quotes Wrong Quotes The road to some of the darkest moments of history have been paved with the rants of petty demagogues against ethnic minorities for centuries. My first priority is growing this economy in the long term, and stimulating it in the short term.
Sayani Gupta Growing up, I would go to Darjeeling and Kurseong a lot and most of the locals would only talk to me in Nepali! – Sayani Gupta
Carl Hart If drugs are bad, any respectable society should do something to deal with them. – Carl Hart
Michael Palin I saw novelists as being admirable people and I thought… I thought… maybe, one day, I could be one of them. – Michael Palin
Jeff Fortenberry Shifting loyalties in the Middle East make it difficult to vet supposed moderate groups. – Jeff Fortenberry
Laird Hamilton Despite consistent morning habits, my training changes dramatically based on the season and the day of the week. My day might include surfing, weight lifting, or pool training, but I always make a point to warm up slowly, whether that’s with light cardio or a session in the sauna. – Laird Hamilton
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