Ginny Brown-Waite Under the current pay-as-you-go Social Security system, not one person is actually guaranteed benefits. – Ginny Brown-Waite Benefits Quotes Current Quotes Guaranteed Quotes Payasyougo Quotes Person Quotes Security Quotes Social Quotes If a woman did not work and have the opportunity to save and invest on her own throughout her lifetime, she is often totally reliant on her family and Social Security for her retirement years. I have the highest number of Social Security recipients of any Member of Congress, and it is always good to hear about how women in their districts are affected by any changes, by the need for changes in Social Security.
Gisele Bundchen The quality of time I get to spend with my family is very important. That way, I feel I am experiencing all the different aspects of my life without guilt. – Gisele Bundchen
Lydia Hearst America may be the home of feminism, but I don’t think the electorate will allow a woman to be president. – Lydia Hearst
Ta-Nehisi Coates I think riots happen when communities are under pressure for long periods of time. That’s not a mistake. – Ta-Nehisi Coates
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