Marian Seldes Unfortunately, there are mental invalids of every age who exist on other people’s terms. It’s lazy for older persons to let others make up their minds for them. People have to overcome that. – Marian Seldes Age Quotes Exist Quotes Invalids Quotes Lazy Quotes Mental Quotes Minds Quotes Overcome Quotes People Quotes Peoples Quotes Persons Quotes Terms Quotes I think of myself as only being an actress when I’m acting, but my friends will say I act all the time. An actress spends a lifetime observing people. You build up a mental library. No, not a library. Make that a repository.
Steven Pinker Photography is a kind of virtual reality, and it helps if you can create the illusion of being in an interesting world. – Steven Pinker
Roberto Cavalli I would like the people that buy my clothes to understand that for me it’s one small piece of art. – Roberto Cavalli
David Brock Editors of conservative magazines aren’t out trying to raise money. The money is there; the cash reserves are in the bank. – David Brock
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