Bong Joon-ho Until the end of elementary school, I lived in a suburban area, so the type of village I used to live in is borderline between village and the city, so I’m familiar with the rustic environment. – Bong Joon-ho Borderline Quotes City Quotes Elementary Quotes Environment Quotes Familiar Quotes Live Quotes Lived Quotes Rustic Quotes School Quotes Suburban Quotes Type Quotes Village Quotes There’s hardly any governmental censorship in Korea. I really hate the creature film convention that says you have to wait until the end to see the monster. One hour and all you’ve seen is just the tip of the creature’s tail.
David McCullough A nation that forgets its past can function no better than an individual with amnesia. – David McCullough
Mark Strong I’m going to try to play some good guys for a while and just see how that is. It’s hard to enjoy them as much as the bad guys, and the clothes are nowhere near as good. Good guys don’t wear nice suits! – Mark Strong
Billy Preston I had been inspired by an organ player named Earl Grant, who played organ and piano together. My mom took me to see him. So I went home, put my piano and organ together, too. – Billy Preston
S Robson Walton I learned from my dad that change and experimentation are constants and important. You have to keep trying new things. – S Robson Walton
Jon Gries If we descended from space aliens, that’s just as viable as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, as far as I’m concerned. – Jon Gries
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