Ovid Use the occasion, for it passes swiftly. – Ovid Occasion Quotes Passes Quotes Swiftly Quotes Jupiter from on high smiles at the perjuries of lovers. Thou seest how sloth wastes the sluggish body, as water is corrupted unless it moves.
Robert ReichStrength Our moral authority is as important, if not more important, than our troop strength or our high-tech weapons. We are rapidly losing that moral authority, not only in the Arab world but all over the world. – Robert Reich
JaVale McGee If you’re just dunking by yourself, it’s really nothing special. You have to dunk on someone – then you feel like you’re demoralizing them. – JaVale McGee
Jeanne Shaheen If a future U.S. president were to refuse to defend an ally under attack, NATO would lose all credibility. – Jeanne Shaheen
Jerry B Jenkins The theater of the mind is impossible to compete with, and I like the idea that with a few suggestions, each reader forms in his or her own mind what a character or a place looks like. – Jerry B Jenkins
Bruce Greenwood You kind of invite a little spooky, creepy vibe into your whole experience of making a movie. – Bruce Greenwood
Paresh Rawal I am an actor first and foremost. Even without my involvement in politics, I was staying away from sub-standard work. – Paresh Rawal
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