Francis Arinze Vatican II declares the Church… as necessary for salvation. – Francis Arinze Church Quotes Declares Quotes Salvation Quotes Vatican Quotes With reference to other religions, the Church sees a great difference between them and herself. The other religions are expressions of the human soul seeking God, with some beautiful spiritual insights, but also not without errors. Christianity is rather God seeking humanity. Religion is one dimension of culture, a transcendent element of it.
Dan Gilroy When I’m writing, I’m trying to access my subconscious and turn off my conscious brain. I use my conscious for research, but when I’m actually writing, I’m trying to get into a place where I’m tapping into the deeper, darker elements of what’s going on. – Dan Gilroy
Jorge Ramos The most important responsibility we have as journalists is to question those who are in power. I honestly believe that. – Jorge Ramos
Kid CudiTeacher Once I accomplish one thing and I’m satisfied, I try something else. I may be 50 and doing something totally outside of music and acting. Maybe I’ll become a kindergarten teacher. – Kid Cudi
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