Adam Osborne Venture capitalists are like lemmings jumping on the software bandwagon. – Adam Osborne Bandwagon Quotes Capitalists Quotes Jumping Quotes Lemmings Quotes Software Quotes Venture Quotes Money coming in says I’ve made the right marketing decisions. Adequacy is sufficient.
Kabir Bedi I’ve dubbed for my roles in Hindi, English, and Italian. Therefore, I’m used to the process. But, dubbing is hard, especially when you are dubbing for a prominent actor. – Kabir Bedi
Aubrie Sellers I don’t tend to write when I’m happy, which I think is pretty obvious. – Aubrie Sellers
Howard Barker I’ve often taken important classical, biblical or literary stories and interrogated them. I have tried to reinvigorate Lot by interpreting it differently. – Howard Barker
Margo Jefferson We have a myth of the classless society. You won’t hear an American politician apart from Bernie Sanders talk about the working class. We are all middle class, apparently. – Margo Jefferson
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