Bayard Taylor Verily there is nothing in all Europe so beautiful as Valldemosa. – Bayard Taylor Beautiful Quotes Europe Quotes Valldemosa Quotes Verily Quotes The more I see of the Swedes, the more I am convinced that there is no kinder, simpler, and honester people in the world. So far as female beauty is concerned, the Circassian women have no superiors. They have preserved in their mountain home the purity of the Grecian models, and still display the perfect physical loveliness, whose type has descended to us in the Venus de Medici.
Garry Kasparov I learned that fighting on the chess board could also have an impact on the political climate in the country. – Garry Kasparov
AngerErin Gruwell Hoping they’d been inspired by the examples of Anne Frank and other teens who had turned negative experiences into something positive by writing about them, I handed out notebooks for my students to journal about their lives. There was some initial resistance. But then the stories poured out of them, full of anger and sadness. – Erin Gruwell
Georg Brandes I did not know what it was to be happy for a whole day at a time, scarcely for an hour. – Georg Brandes
DadJohn Knowles My father was in the coal business in West Virginia. Both dad and mother were, however, originally from Massachusetts; New England, to them, meant the place to go if you really wanted an education. – John Knowles
Carel Struycken Even before the movie was made, people already thought I was the original Lurch. – Carel Struycken
Labrinth Everyone in my family has been in music – my cousins, my grandmother, my grandfather – so it’s quite a big family tree. – Labrinth
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