David Ogden Stiers Very often when I go in to meet for movies or pilots, I’m put on videotape. I hate the notion that that tape is going to sit on a shelf and never get better. – David Ogden Stiers Hate Quotes Meet Quotes Movies Quotes Notion Quotes Pilots Quotes Shelf Quotes Sit Quotes Tape Quotes Videotape Quotes Every time I hear, Cut. Print, something cold and electrical goes off in my head, because I’m never going to change that film. We lament the speed of our society and the lack of depth and the nature of disposable information.
Jerry Bruckheimer If I knew what makes a movie catch on then I’d make hit after hit. – Jerry Bruckheimer
Matthew McConaughey What the heck is true love? I remember feeling, back when I was 12 and ‘going’ with this girl, ‘Is this true love?’ – Matthew McConaughey
Roustam Tariko I was proud of my Soviet country, of wearing Young Pioneer uniform, bombarded by my mother’s Communist propaganda. – Roustam Tariko
Charles Murray It’s great if someone has a road-to-Damascus experience, but I think that deep and lasting faith is a lifetime project, and includes a lot of homework. – Charles Murray
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