Antonia Thomas Vivienne Westwood makes such beautifully structured clothes that are especially flattering if you are curvy. – Antonia Thomas Beautifully Quotes Clothes Quotes Curvy Quotes Flattering Quotes Structured Quotes Vivienne Quotes Westwood Quotes It’s great to express yourself and tell other people’s stories and get into the minds of people who aren’t like you.
Don Winslow A writer who doesn’t need the money gains power and is dangerous in a negotiation. – Don Winslow
Ellie Kemper In the back of my head, I always thought it would be great to become an actress on a sitcom. – Ellie Kemper
Sir Mix-a-Lot That was the coolest thing about ‘Baby Got Back.’ The establishment didn’t embrace the song, which is what kept me from being the next pop guy to fizzle out and get laughed at, get dissed on TV. That helped save me. The fact that MTV banned the record made the record, in a weird way. – Sir Mix-a-Lot
Ryan Fitzpatrick There’s a lot of things you can’t learn unless you actually experience it. – Ryan Fitzpatrick
Heidi Hammel As you go further from the sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are each colder in their upper atmosphere. But when you get to Neptune, it’s just as warm as Uranus. – Heidi Hammel
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