Paul Winchell Walt gave me a VIP tour of the studio. I remember people doing voices. – Paul Winchell People Quotes Remember Quotes Studio Quotes Tour Quotes Vip Quotes Voices Quotes Walt Quotes On television, everyone talks and they don’t care about the mechanics.
Melissa Etheridge I have days when I say, ‘I’m going to have five chocolate chip cookies today.’ I’ll have a salad every day but every week I have a cheat day. – Melissa Etheridge
John Dickerson When she died, Mom left me her letters and journals. Windows into things I would have been too young to understand when she was alive, or too busy, or too much of a know-it-all. – John Dickerson
Hari NefPositive Visibility is not, in itself, always a good thing, but when it is in the hands of those who need positive visibility, it can be. – Hari Nef
Al B Sure Although I don’t believe in censorship, I believe an artist is very responsible for his actions. Especially if he’s a young artist whom young kids listen to, there’s almost a sense of his being like the Bible. The kids listen to what he says and live by it. That’s why I don’t believe in negativity. – Al B Sure
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