Elliot Ackerman Wars have economies. And I don’t mean financial economies, although that’s often part of it. Why do people continue fighting these wars? There are financial incentives. – Elliot Ackerman Continue Quotes Economies Quotes Fighting Quotes Financial Quotes Incentives Quotes People Quotes Wars Quotes All art to me is an empathetic act. Whoever’s telling a story is trying to transfer emotion into someone else. There are these moments in the military where you’re present at these enormous intersections of history and humanity. I came out of the end of that, and I just wanted to write. If you do it well, you know it will last. It can’t get blown away like everything else.
Matt Mullenweg Ultimately, Captchas are useless for spam because they’re designed to tell you if someone is ‘human’ or not, but not whether something is spam or not. – Matt Mullenweg
Emma Watson I stole a piece of the chess set on the first film. I took a piece of the treasure out of Bellatrix’s vault on this film. And I’ve taken my wand and I’ve got my cloak. – Emma Watson
Lamar Alexander I think, I think we need a Republican president from the real world to remind ourselves sometimes of what we need to do. – Lamar Alexander
Jayma Mays I definitely know that I’m quirky. I know that I’m different. Red hair definitely made me different growing up. – Jayma Mays
ArchitectureRachel McAdams I try to shut out ideas about why you should do things. Trying to do good architecture and really designing a career? There’s some attention to be paid to that, but I don’t think it’s everything. – Rachel McAdams
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