Nick Mason Watching something being constructed, whether you’re passing a building site or whether you’re watching an artist at work, is fascinating, and I think that’s the enjoyment. – Nick Mason Artist Quotes Building Quotes Constructed Quotes Enjoyment Quotes Fascinating Quotes Passing Quotes Watching Quotes Part of the gestation of ‘The Wall’ was this business of alienation from the audience, and so the interesting thing was, what ‘The Wall’ eventually became was something that absolutely engaged the audience. People simply don’t have room, physical room, to keep, for instance, 2-inch tape in the sort of quantities that are required to hold a full archive. It’s not just a matter of having three or four boxes, it’s 40, 90 boxes of 2-inch tape, and very few people have the resources that sort of stuff properly.
Mikhail Gorbachev I don’t think Russia is setting this as a goal; I don’t think this should be Russia’s goal. I think even the United States doesn’t need to be a superpower. China doesn’t need to be a superpower. It’s a different world. – Mikhail Gorbachev
Catherine Zeta-Jones I’m obsessed with hula-hooping. I do it for 20 minutes a day. I don’t use the old-fashioned hollow plastic kind we had when we were kids, but I discovered a new one at Danskin that’s smaller and weighted. – Catherine Zeta-Jones
Shaun Wright-Phillips You can always get better and always improve so that’s what I do. – Shaun Wright-Phillips
Mark Bradford I don’t know why so many artists talk about the mainstream’s problems from the fringe. I think, unfortunately, it’s almost like our education makes us too safe and terrified to step into the world. – Mark Bradford
Ric Flair I had my first ‘Survivor Series’ in 1991 and I was fortunate enough to be an instrumental part of the shows I was on. – Ric Flair
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