Debbie Reynolds We all knew each other in the neighborhood. I loved living in El Paso. I had a wonderful childhood there. – Debbie Reynolds Childhood Quotes El Quotes Living Quotes Loved Quotes Neighborhood Quotes Paso Quotes Wonderful Quotes Those were hard times, but I loved living there. I would walk on the tracks, hopping, skipping. I enjoyed the neighborhood, I enjoyed El Paso. I remember being chased by tumbleweeds on windy days; they came up to my neck. I always loved to entertain and show off in front of the neighbors. I would sing and dance at their houses.
FitnessMilind Soman I used to own two gyms in Delhi called Breathe, so obviously I’ve entered a gym, but I don’t use a gym for fitness. – Milind Soman
Sandra Day O'Connor I sort of thought the framers of the Constitution were talking about the rights of individuals, not corporate entities. – Sandra Day O’Connor
AmazingDadOrianthi My dad is actually an amazing guitarist, and he always had an incredible record collection, which is how I discovered things like Jimi Hendrix and Santana. I’ll always be grateful for that. – Orianthi
Ant Middleton When I was younger, if I got into arguments, I’d become aggressive and violent, but I learnt the hard way that was only going to end negatively. – Ant Middleton
Shari Arison Once you realize that everything happens for a reason, attitudes towards matters such as illnesses, or lawsuits, for example, change. – Shari Arison
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