David Binder We all know that on Broadway you need to have stars to do a play. – David Binder Broadway Quotes Play Quotes Stars Quotes A show can be artistically successful; a show can be financially successful; a show can be successful by the transformative experience the audience is having; a show can be successful from the point of view of what is experienced by the cast and the company on a daily basis. Festivals promote diversity, they bring neighbors into dialogue, they increase creativity, they offer opportunities for civic pride, they improve our general psychological well-being. In short, they make cities better places to live.
James F Byrnes That was the principle of reparations to which President Truman agreed at Potsdam. And the United States will not agree to the taking from Germany of greater reparations than was provided by the Potsdam Agreement. – James F Byrnes
John Barrasso I don’t want anybody between a doctor and a patient – not an insurance company bureaucrat or a Washington bureaucrat. – John Barrasso
John Romaniello Strictly speaking, intensity in the weight training context refers to the amount of work required to achieve the activity and is proportional to the mass of the weights being lifted – that is, how heavy the weight is relative to how strong you are. – John Romaniello
Ryan Bader Winning is everything to us, but at the same time you’ve gotta have exciting fights and keep pushing it in that way. – Ryan Bader
Elizabeth Banks I played softball. I was on an all-star team. I traveled with the team. I loved it. – Elizabeth Banks
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