Erna Solberg We are a small country. That means there will be lots of similarities in policies. The priorities are about the same issues – you have to create more jobs; you have to invest in people so they are qualified for the jobs the new economy will bring. – Erna Solberg Bring Quotes Country Quotes Create Quotes Economy Quotes Invest Quotes Issues Quotes Jobs Quotes Lots Quotes People Quotes Policies Quotes Priorities Quotes Qualified Quotes Similarities Quotes In our view, the main role of the government in the green transition is to ensure a predictable framework and a level playing field for innovation, industry, and enterprise. And, most importantly, to provide clear direction. When you are a country that is economically well-off – we are not leaving people to live on the street without help – then you have to be strict on immigration because you become the most attractive country to go to.
Ellen GoodmanParenting We criticize mothers for closeness. We criticize fathers for distance. How many of us have expected less from our fathers and appreciated what they gave us more? How many of us always let them off the hook? – Ellen Goodman
Albrecht DurerArt If a man devotes himself to art, much evil is avoided that happens otherwise if one is idle. – Albrecht Durer
H R McMaster It is clear that while our Army was engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq, Russia studied U.S. capabilities and vulnerabilities and embarked on an ambitious and largely successful modernization effort. – H R McMaster
Sterling Knight I’ve always had fun with music, but I prefer to listen to it rather than sing. – Sterling Knight
Stephen Stills I think that President Obama has done the best he possibly could during the first term considering that his opposition was willing to do whatever necessary to destroy him, even if it meant damaging the country in the process. – Stephen Stills
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