Manila Luzon We are all unique in our ways, but celebrating together makes us all the same. – Manila Luzon Celebrating Quotes Unique Quotes If you’re gonna win, you wanna beat the best.
Mike Will Made It It’s important to show the new generation that soundtracks can be just as exciting as traditional albums if put in the hands of the right curator. – Mike Will Made It
John Barrow People assume that because you have graced the same stage as the star act, in front of thousands, you must be reaping similar financial rewards. This is a complete fallacy. – John Barrow
FinanceJoely Richardson Everyone knows in the industry that when these great roles come up, every two years, there’s a huge number of people up for them. I’m not one of those top five females that can personally finance any film. – Joely Richardson
Jerry Yang People regard Yahoo as a platform for essential services, and it’s had a profound impact on the way people obtain information, communicate, and their entertainment. – Jerry Yang
Laurie David Kids need rituals. They need the security of them, the bonding time of them. – Laurie David
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