Everett Dirksen We are becoming so accustomed to millions and billions of dollars that ‘thousands’ has almost passed out of the dictionary. – Everett Dirksen Accustomed Quotes Billions Quotes Dictionary Quotes Dollars Quotes Millions Quotes Passed Quotes Thousands Quotes We have been through this is biennial convulsion four or five different times over the past 10 or 12 years, and now it appears that we are going through this quiet agony all over again. I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times.
Amy Bloom My sister and I used to act as maids and waitresses at my great aunt and uncle’s cocktail parties, which were very much sort of retired, minor stars of the Yiddish theater and the Yiddish opera. – Amy Bloom
Jerry FalwellJr Dad truly believed that Christians should be involved in the political process and should make their voices heard. – Jerry Falwell, Jr
Patrick Lencioni Having to re-recruit, rehire, and retrain, and wait for a new employee to get up to speed is devastating in terms of cost. – Patrick Lencioni
Florence Pugh I have learned how to wrestle. You end up battered and blue – but so happy. – Florence Pugh
Meena Harris Based on census data from 2019, black women are only paid 61 cents to every dollar that a white man makes. – Meena Harris
AloneAnne LamottBestExperienceFriendshipTruth Your experiences will be yours alone. But truth and best friendship will rarely if ever disappoint you. – Anne Lamott
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