Joko Beck We are caught in the contradiction of finding life a rather perplexing puzzle which causes us a lot of misery, and at the same time being dimly aware of the boundless, limitless nature of life. So we begin looking for an answer to the puzzle. – Joko Beck Answer Quotes Aware Quotes Boundless Quotes Caught Quotes Contradiction Quotes Dimly Quotes Finding Quotes Life Quotes Limitless Quotes Lot Quotes Misery Quotes Nature Quotes Perplexing Quotes Puzzle Quotes Time Quotes We tend to run our whole life trying to avoid all that hurts or displeases us, noticing the objects, people, or situations that we think will give us pain or pleasure, avoiding one and pursuing the other. To some degree we all find life difficult, perplexing, and oppressive. Even when it goes well, as it may for a time, we worry that it probably won’t keep on that way.
Noma Dumezweni I am a black woman who has been given this character called Hermione to play on the stage. But actually, we’ve all grown up with the books, with Emma Watson playing her in the films. Imagery is so strong. – Noma Dumezweni
Peter Hedges I wouldn’t say I’m a religious person, but I am definitely inclined toward asking the big questions. – Peter Hedges
Margaret Bourke-White Work is something you can count on, a trusted, lifelong friend who never deserts you. – Margaret Bourke-White
ContraPoints I try to swim against the current as much as possible when it comes to the tribalism that defines the way people do politics on social media, and I try to present myself as an individual and humanistic voice. I’m interested in people, not just factions. – ContraPoints
Andrew Keenan-Bolger Everybody keeps saying what a lucky coincidence that ‘Newsies’ is happening when it is, with things like Occupy Wall Street. – Andrew Keenan-Bolger
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