Nan Hayworth We are hopeful that President Obama, in his State of the Union Address, will express a willingness to work with Republicans to enact all of these jobs bills. – Nan Hayworth Address Quotes Bills Quotes Enact Quotes Express Quotes Hopeful Quotes Jobs Quotes Obama Quotes President Quotes Republicans Quotes Union Quotes Willingness Quotes We were elected in a wave because the people in America, if they had a single issue that troubled them the most, it was that health care vote. Right now, there are nearly 30 jobs bills passed by the House with support from both Republicans and Democrats that are awaiting action in the Democratic-run Senate.
Sam Hunt I don’t like the idea that in music, clothes, taste or anything, we are limited to a certain style, because we need to maintain an identity, maybe between some subculture group. Hopefully, all those walls break down, and music is just music. – Sam Hunt
Charisma Carpenter My heart is in television, just because it’s been so good to me. – Charisma Carpenter
Susan Estrich I work for Fox News as a commentator. I say whatever I want. I’m the blonde on the left, figuratively and literally – the one who’s usually smiling because it’s T.V., not the Supreme Court or Congress, and I find civility more effective in any event. – Susan Estrich
Mac Jones It’s the NFL; it’s the hardest league there is and everyone’s really good. So, you’ve got to bring your best not only every year, but really most importantly, every day. – Mac Jones
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