Clive Lewis We are looking at ways to shift the balance of taxation away from work and on to the practices that are destroying the environment on which a healthy economy depends. – Clive Lewis Balance Quotes Depends Quotes Destroying Quotes Economy Quotes Environment Quotes Healthy Quotes Practices Quotes Shift Quotes Taxation Quotes I’m known for wearing tweed jackets, khaki pants and suede shoes. I’ve only worn a suit in parliament under duress, when I was on the front bench. Labour are determined to create a fair, sustainable tax system in an economy that works for everyone.
TechnologyWalter Jon Williams I’m in favor of any technology that makes my work available to the reading public at a reasonable price. – Walter Jon Williams
Rosamund Pike I think you tend to try, during the time you’ve got off, to forget about the film. It was such a total world. I mean, the sets were claustrophobic, and as soon as you were on there, you were right back into it. – Rosamund Pike
Amanda Shires I was leaving my violin out of a lot of songs, and that’s a strange thing to do because I’ve been playing the violin since I was 2. It’s a part of me. Adding pedals and sounds is great because I get to play the instrument I feel most comfortable on and the one I feel gives my truest expression when I’m making a solo or anything like that. – Amanda Shires
John Tesh Every three or four shows, we have somebody that will come up onstage and propose marriage. – John Tesh
Scott Moir It is discouraging a little bit to look up at the board and see that we’re about 30 points behind our points goal for a competition. – Scott Moir
Claire Messud You lose something in not being rooted, but you gain something by seeing the world differently. It’s both a loss and a gift. – Claire Messud
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