John Prescott We are making the fundamental changes. It was like the decent housing target. We said by 2010, we’d have taken a million houses and refurbished them into decent housing. – John Prescott Decent Quotes Fundamental Quotes Houses Quotes Housing Quotes Refurbished Quotes Target Quotes We’ve given more resources. On housing, we are now establishing a regional housing pot. Why can’t we, with a more intelligent policy, actually have houses that are affordable, built at higher densities than they are at the moment and built on brownfield sites.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel When liberty is mentioned, we must always be careful to observe whether it is not really the assertion of private interests which is thereby designated. – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Petrarch What name to call thee by, O virgin fair, I know not, for thy looks are not of earth And more than mortal seems thy countenances. – Petrarch
Henry Petroski A common misconception about how things such as space shuttles come to be is that engineers simply apply the theories and equations of science. But this cannot be done until the new thing-to-be is conceived in the engineer’s mind’s eye. Rather than following from science, engineered things lead it. – Henry Petroski
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