Robert Jeffress We are not the Westboro Baptist Church. We are a church that embraces the tenants of historic Christianity – there’s nothing hateful about our members at all. – Robert Jeffress Baptist Quotes Christianity Quotes Church Quotes Embraces Quotes Hateful Quotes Historic Quotes Tenants Quotes Westboro Quotes These protesters, opposing me or our church, they’re protesting the eternal Word of God, and guess what – they’re not going to be successful in toppling the Word of God. I don’t get bothered by the media. There is nothing in the media that makes me lose any sleep at night.
Pamela Dean I wholeheartedly rejected anything remotely feminine but was not enthusiastic about anything masculine, either. I did not want to cook and have babies, and I did not want to be an engineer or a baseball player or a soldier or a politician or any of the myriad careers open mostly or solely to men. I wanted to be a poet. – Pamela Dean
Rainer Weiss We are all enormously indebted to the National Science Foundation of the United States and the American public for steady support over close to 50 years. – Rainer Weiss
Don McLean In a sense, ‘American Pie’ was a very despairing song but it can also be seen as very hopeful. – Don McLean
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