Geoffrey Holder We are too quick to put labels on things. It is my profession. I get up and paint. Everyone wants to put a label on it, but I am a free spirit, so I fight against that. – Geoffrey Holder Fight Quotes Label Quotes Labels Quotes Paint Quotes Profession Quotes Quick Quotes Spirit Quotes I paint a slice of life, whatever it is that day. Education begins at home. You can’t blame the school for not putting into your child what you don’t put into him.
Ncuti Gatwa Face your front’ is a saying in my parents’ culture. ‘Face your front, don’t look left and don’t look right.’ Don’t be comparing yourself to everybody else, yeah? Follow your own journey. – Ncuti Gatwa
Michelle Gomez I have no interest in being a celebrity. I wouldn’t go to anything that I wasn’t involved in just for the sake of wearing a nice frock and having my picture taken. That part of the business doesn’t make me feel very comfortable. – Michelle Gomez
Glenn KelmanLegal We need to create technologies – and a culture of respect, and an updated legal doctrine, too – that allow creative folks to make money from their own efforts. – Glenn Kelman
Brad Bird Well I’m still working on The Incredibles. So I’m going to take a little time off. I’ve got a couple of tricks up my sleeve. I’m not ready to talk about them yet, but expect the unexpected. – Brad Bird
Marketa Irglova When I moved to New York, I felt very strong emotionally and mentally. Aside from touring, I’d spent a couple of years alone and because of that, I was able to go out in the world again. – Marketa Irglova
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