Julie Burchill We are used to female writers who use their private lives as unmitigated material being somewhat hormonal; this somehow ‘excuses’ what might be seen as a highly unfeminine ability to turn their personal upsets into money. – Julie Burchill Ability Quotes Excuses Quotes Female Quotes Highly Quotes Hormonal Quotes Lives Quotes Material Quotes Money Quotes Personal Quotes Private Quotes Unfeminine Quotes Unmitigated Quotes Upsets Quotes Writers Quotes Some say that Cusk has no sense of humour, but expecting giggles from this writer would be akin to expecting sonnets from Benny Hill. Graham Greene famously said that all writers need a chip of ice in their heart; Cusk can come across as the most beautiful ice palace of stalactites and stalagmites, and some people find her company, albeit by proxy, about as inviting as a long weekend in a walk-in frigidaire.
Leslie Stephen Walking is the natural recreation for a man who desires not absolutely to suppress his intellect but to turn it out to play for a season. All great men of letters have therefore been enthusiastic walkers. – Leslie Stephen
Karel Capek Be these people either Conservatives or Socialists, Yellows or Reds, the most important thing is – and that is the point I want to stress – that all of them are right in the plain and moral sense of the word. – Karel Capek
Janet Mock When I was a high school freshman in Honolulu, I would sit with my girlfriends on the bleachers of the school amphitheater every morning. We’d meet in the same spot and chat for an hour before homeroom began. – Janet Mock
Aretha FranklinDadFamousMusic My mentor was Clara Ward of the famous Ward gospel singers of Philadelphia. And my dad was my coach. He coached me. And just my natural love for music is what drove me. – Aretha Franklin
HappinessLupita Nyong'o I discovered that joy is not the negation of pain, but rather acknowledging the presence of pain and feeling happiness in spite of it. – Lupita Nyong’o
Ricky Martin If I had spent a quarter of the time that I spent manipulating my sexuality in front of a piano instead, I would be the most gifted piano player of my lifetime. – Ricky Martin
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