Hal Lindsey We are very near the final climactic events that end with the Second Coming of Christ. – Hal Lindsey Christ Quotes Climactic Quotes Coming Quotes Events Quotes Final Quotes Twenty years ago, I said there was going to be something that would stop the Soviet Union from taking over the world. And now we see that the Soviet Union has been stopped, through its own disintegration. When the Jewish people, after nearly 2,000 years of exile, under relentless persecution, became a nation again on 14 May 1948 the ‘fig tree’ put forth its first leaves. Jesus said that this would indicate that He was ‘at the door,’ ready to return.
Bam Adebayo I just bring energy, try to put myself in a good mood, because you’re not going to get through practice if you’re drowsy, don’t feel like doing nothing. Then it’s going to be a long practice and coach is going to be all over you. – Bam Adebayo
ChristmasPaul Engle All families had their special Christmas food. Ours was called Dutch Bread, made from a dough halfway between bread and cake, stuffed with citron and every sort of nut from the farm – hazel, black walnut, hickory, butternut. – Paul Engle
Jonathan Galassi A lot of great authors are published before their time. That’s not wrong; it’s just the way it works. – Jonathan Galassi
Jim Cooper If you need to put your money in a safe and secure place and you want it to earn interest, Treasury bonds are safer than putting it in any bank as a deposit or putting it anywhere else, because they are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. – Jim Cooper
Mike Duke If I spend all of my day in the details as a CEO of a company like Wal-Mart, I think it would be trouble, because I wouldn’t really be prepared to speak to the big issues that the country or the world should face. – Mike Duke
Mikhail Baryshnikov I go a lot to see young people downtown in little theaters. It’s great. If you start somebody’s career, it’s so exciting. – Mikhail Baryshnikov
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