Cesar PelliDesign We are very proud of our design for the Transbay Transit Center. This will be a beautiful, functional and sustainable building for San Francisco. – Cesar Pelli Beautiful Quotes Building Quotes Center Quotes Design Quotes Francisco Quotes Functional Quotes San Quotes Sustainable Quotes Transbay Quotes Transit Quotes I try to absorb all types of style and design. I don’t try and restrict my thinking. I enjoy the old and the new. You need that broad perspective to create something different. I realize that having a style would be very beneficial for my practice from a marketing standpoint, but I can’t do it. I believe my responsibilities as an architect are to design the most appropriate building for the place. Each place has a distinct culture and function, which for me requires an appropriate answer.
Don King I transcend earthly bounds. I never cease to amaze myself because I haven’t yet found my limits. I am quite ready to accept the limits of what I can do, but every time I feel that way – boom! – God touches me and I do something that’s even more stupendous than whatever I’ve done up to then. – Don King
Robin QuiversSad It’s sad that women characters have lost so much ground in popular movies. Didn’t ‘Thelma and Louise’ prove that women want to see women doing things on film? Thelma and Louise were in a classic car; they were being chased by cops; they shot up a truck – and women loved it. – Robin Quivers
Geno Smith Thinking about the draft, and I had to sit and wait. And then, you know, went to the Jets and things didn’t work out. Had to bounce team to team and try to find my way. – Geno Smith
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