Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal We are willing to consider any rebalancing as long as it’s through trade expansion, not through trade restriction. As long as it’s about how can we buy more from each other, we’re willing to work that way. – Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal Expansion Quotes Rebalancing Quotes Restriction Quotes Trade Quotes Since we don’t use any type of currency manipulation schemes – we have a floating exchange market – we are very glad to consider any type of process that would stabilize the Mexican peso. The list of traceability for some automotive components needs to be rethought for new technologies to send adequate signals about the strengthening of the value chains in North America.
Steve Hackett Obviously classical music tends to be stuff that is usually at least a hundred years old. – Steve Hackett
GovernmentJamie Dimon Virtual currency, where it’s called a bitcoin vs. a U.S. dollar, that’s going to be stopped. No government will ever support a virtual currency that goes around borders and doesn’t have the same controls. It’s not going to happen. – Jamie Dimon
Katori Hall I always felt like Broadway was not for me – in terms of ticket price, in terms of what was on there. I never saw myself reflected in the mirror of the Great White Way. – Katori Hall
Michael Graves We always correct people who say, ‘You’re trying to make this look better.’ Well yes, we want it to look better, but that’s easy. The look and the function are one and the same. They are not separate. It looks good because it functions beautifully. That message is very hard. – Michael Graves
Robin Lopez Everybody looks to expand their game. That’s how you keep yourself in this league, in this game. – Robin Lopez
Jon Katz When an animal dies, it gives you the chance to love another animal. That’s an insightful and profound way to look at it. – Jon Katz
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