PositiveSkip Marley We can all be the best versions of ourselves & lift one another by coming together and spreading positive vibes. – Skip Marley Coming Quotes Lift Quotes Positive Quotes Spreading Quotes Versions Quotes Vibes Quotes The greatest gift of all time is that you can make creation infectious because people spend less time being negative… If you log all the time with negativity in the while world, I wonder how much better the world would be if people sat down and did something positive. It spirals. I have a really positive mindset about everything.
Jim Morrison I think in art, but especially in films, people are trying to confirm their own existences. – Jim Morrison
Recep Tayyip Erdogan I take the debate on the method of promoting democracy seriously. – Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Mike O'Malley I will talk to anybody about ‘Survivor’s Remorse’ because I’m proud of the show and the actors and directors and the entire crew. I just like doing the work, and I want people watching the show so we can make more. – Mike O’Malley
Kevin SpaceySuccess Success is like death. The more successful you become, the higher the houses in the hills get and the higher the fences get. – Kevin Spacey
Mary Schmich In twenty years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked. – Mary Schmich
Micah Richards I am a very positive person, but you don’t get taught how to deal with the end of your career. Never. – Micah Richards
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