IndependenceSeth Low We cannot forget that our flag received its first foreign salute from a Dutch officer, nor that the Province of Friesland gave to our independence its first formal recognition. – Seth Low Dutch Quotes Flag Quotes Foreign Quotes Forget Quotes Formal Quotes Friesland Quotes Independence Quotes Officer Quotes Province Quotes Received Quotes Recognition Quotes Salute Quotes Education in India has made monumental progress since Independence but continues to face daunting challenges at multiple levels, particularly in terms of quality, infrastructure and dropout rates. We have islands of excellence floating in a sea of mediocrity. Israeli independence – what we Arabs call al-Naqba, ‘The Catastrophe’ – it created Palestinian identity more than anything else.
John Dalberg-Acton The most certain test by which we judge whether a country is really free is the amount of security enjoyed by minorities. – John Dalberg-Acton
David BermanPoetry All musicians should write poetry or at least read it if they want to improve their game. Except for people who believe lyrics don’t matter. – David Berman
Francis Fukuyama I’ve figured out in the course of my life that the one thing I’m good at doing is writing books, and it would be crazy to trade that in for something else. – Francis Fukuyama
Annie Besant The Roman Catholic Church, had it captured me, as it nearly did, would have sent me on some mission of danger and sacrifice and utilised me as a martyr; the Church established by law transformed me into an unbeliever and an antagonist. – Annie Besant
Michele Bachmann When I was in Minnesota serving in the state Senate and in Washington, D.C., I did everything I could to defeat cap and trade. I didn’t work to implement cap and trade. – Michele Bachmann
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