David Ansen We define ourselves, in part, by the discriminations we make. The value of what we love is enriched by our understanding of what we dislike. – David Ansen Define Quotes Discriminations Quotes Dislike Quotes Enriched Quotes Love Quotes Understanding Quotes We are the movies and the movies are us.
Joan Baez It seems to me that those songs that have been any good, I have nothing much to do with the writing of them. The words have just crawled down my sleeve and come out on the page. – Joan Baez
Chris Roberson I had a great experience working with Dynamite on Masks, and had just gotten started on a stint on The Shadow with them when they floated the idea of a Captain Action series. I’ve been a little obsessed with the character since I was first introduced to him in the pages of Amazing Heroes back in the early 1980s. – Chris Roberson
Aung San Suu Kyi One wants to be together with one’s family. That’s what families are about. – Aung San Suu Kyi
Aaron Judge If you have a good music tone of the day, it puts everybody in the right mindset. – Aaron Judge
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