Bernard Sumner We didn’t play any Joy Division songs for 10 years after the start of New Order, which was a very honourable thing to do even if it meant shooting ourselves in the foot. – Bernard Sumner Division Quotes Foot Quotes Honourable Quotes Joy Quotes Meant Quotes Play Quotes Shooting Quotes Songs Quotes Start Quotes If something I do now sounds like something I did in the past, it’s because I played it. I can’t help sounding like myself. That’s going to happen. The things that I play on guitar that resonate with me are probably the same things that resonated with me when I started playing in Joy Division. I first read about hypnotism at school, and I used to do tricks like getting a really skinny guy to arm wrestle the local bully.
MiguelMusic Historically, black music has influenced other cultures and other genres and created other genres. – Miguel
Andrew Motion I don’t want my poems to be sentimental, though I do acknowledge that sentiment is probably rather under-reported in a lot of people’s feelings a lot of the time. – Andrew Motion
Gunnar Myrdal During the three decades of its existence, the effectiveness of the United Nations has, on the whole, tended to decrease, particularly in the field of peace and security and, more generally, all issues in which the developed countries feel they have important stakes. – Gunnar Myrdal
Amrapali Gupta I do not want to be slotted… so I feel lucky for myself to get a positive role in ‘Tujhse Hai Raabta.’ – Amrapali Gupta
Jarome Iginla Music was a big part of my upbringing. My mum and my grandma are very passionate about music. – Jarome Iginla
Jahlil Okafor There are things that I need to work on, that I have worked on, and that I’ll continue to work on. – Jahlil Okafor
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