Nancy Wilson We didn’t want to be the girlfriends of the Beatles. We wanted to be the Beatles. – Nancy Wilson Beatles Quotes Girlfriends Quotes Barracuda’ is very fun to play because it’s like a galloping steed of a rock song. Grace Slick was a total trip to work with. Lots of jokes and opinions. A strident individual and super talented!
Hugh Prather Discouragement, if pursued, is the exercise of an option: to turn from creative to noncreative mental activity, to turn from what is present to what is over, to turn from that which builds to that which destroys. – Hugh Prather
F H Bradley Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived. It is a pity that this is still the only knowledge of their wives at which some men seem to arrive. – F H Bradley
Marcos Alonso From my early years at Bolton I knew that Chelsea were a great club and the truth is that I was right to come here. – Marcos Alonso
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