Aaron Ciechanover We discovered a mechanism which is like the garbage machine of the body. We need to remove damaged proteins and create new ones in their place, and we discovered the machine that does this. – Aaron Ciechanover Body Quotes Create Quotes Damaged Quotes Discovered Quotes Garbage Quotes Machine Quotes Mechanism Quotes Proteins Quotes Remove Quotes The scale of time for a politician runs between one primary and the next, and in Israel, this means two to three years because elections almost never take place once every four years as stipulated by law. The timetable for a system of research is completely different. Reticulocytes are terminally differentiating red blood cells that do not contain lysosome. Therefore, it was postulated that the degradation of hemoglobin in these cells is mediated by a non-lysosomal machinery.
Mollie Hemingway After the 2000 election, which hinged on the results of a recount in Florida, Democrats smeared President George W. Bush as ‘selected, not elected.’ – Mollie Hemingway
Anibal Acevedo Vila Statehood is not a model for economic development; it is simply a way to organize a federation. What statehood does in fiscal and economic terms is apply uniform rules of the game to all states. – Anibal Acevedo Vila
Atticus Shaffer Even though I never worked with her, it was still really cool to have Brooke Shields on set. She was so nice and so funny. – Atticus Shaffer
David Milch Even having all the time in the world, it’s better to collaborate with your brothers and sisters. It’s ultimately the richest experience. – David Milch
Nick Park I have to admit to not being the greatest technician, but stop motion animation gives me licence to create machines that wouldn’t otherwise be possible – inventions that seem real and actually work. – Nick Park
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