Megan Mullally We do jigsaw puzzles. Here’s a pro tip: Listen to an audiobook while doing it. – Megan Mullally Audiobook Quotes Jigsaw Quotes Listen Quotes Pro Quotes Puzzles Quotes Nick can get up on stage and just wing it, whereas I would have to be taken to a mental institution. Nick’s just from this very Norman Rockwell-ish family. They’re very ‘American Gothic,’ and his parents are so kind, and they’re not brash people; they’re very soft spoken, salt of the earth.
Olivier Theyskens I didn’t understand the advantages of staying active until I was about 27. – Olivier Theyskens
David L Wolper Some psychiatrist told me I was interested in sculpture because I dealt in flat surfaces and needed something with dimension. – David L Wolper
Jenny Lewis When something is coming off of a Neve board and being laid down on tape, it’s like a warm blanket for the brain. When you’re working in a digital form, it’s so harsh; it’s almost painful. Your ears get more fatigued if you’re mixing all day. – Jenny Lewis
Arundhati Bhattacharya Some people look at my photos and think maybe I’m feeling frazzled, but I really want to tell them I’m just having a bad hair day! – Arundhati Bhattacharya
Michaela Coel To suggest things may be going on in our brains that we aren’t fully conscious of, that we unknowingly make classist, sexist and racist presumptions… Well, there just aren’t many comfortable ways to take that. And in the face of discomfort comes the mask of defence. – Michaela Coel
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