Bryan Konietzko We draw inspiration directly and indirectly from all sorts of things, like movies, documentaries, TV dramas, novels, non-fiction books, animation, science and nature shows, and our own life experiences. – Bryan Konietzko Animation Quotes Books Quotes Documentaries Quotes Dramas Quotes Draw Quotes Experiences Quotes Indirectly Quotes Inspiration Quotes Life Quotes Movies Quotes Nature Quotes Nonfiction Quotes Novels Quotes Science Quotes Sorts Quotes It is a long story how we finally ended up with the title simply being ‘The Legend of Korra,’ but in a poetic way, I think Korra’s big Type A personality willed it to happen! The social and political climate came from discussions about how we could find conflict in the wake of a 100-year-long war ending. But as we know in the real world, just because a war ends it doesn’t mean that everything turns happy and peaceful. That provided us with some new kinds of conflict for us to explore in ‘Korra.’
Alanis MorissetteHappiness I wish people could achieve what they think would bring them happiness in order for them to realize that that’s not really what happiness is. – Alanis Morissette
Charles H Townes In many cases, people who win a Nobel prize, their work slows down after that because of the distractions. Yes, fame is rewarding, but it’s a pity if it keeps you from doing the work you are good at. – Charles H Townes
Nicole Malliotakis It’s time for Congress to stop wasting its time and taxpayer money. – Nicole Malliotakis
Richard LaGravenese You can have ambiguity in television that you are not allowed in film… at least in Hollywood studio films. – Richard LaGravenese
Hannah Brown I was terrified to be my true self because I felt that it wasn’t enough. But I allowed myself to break down those walls. – Hannah Brown
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