Joe Lonsdale We founded Palantir in 2003-2004 because we perceived a giant gap between how the defense and intelligence community was harnessing technology to achieve its goals and what we had seen was possible in Silicon Valley over the last decade. – Joe Lonsdale Achieve Quotes Community Quotes Decade Quotes Defense Quotes Founded Quotes Gap Quotes Giant Quotes Goals Quotes Harnessing Quotes Intelligence Quotes Palantir Quotes Perceived Quotes Silicon Quotes Technology Quotes Valley Quotes Addepar not only helps improve private wealth management workflows so that advisors can do a better job at what they currently do, but it also helps build a data-driven and integrated view on top of the many important financial decisions within a client portfolio. In a well-run tech company, small, elite groups who have ownership in the company are given the freedom to define and achieve their tasks in line with a broader mission that they have internalized as their own.
DietHector Bellerin Getting rid of all the food I was eating and going to this plant based diet it did take those few days to actually feel better, but when it got to the beginning of the third week I felt so good. – Hector Bellerin
FamilyFearHappinessJames K PolkPeace Well may the boldest fear and the wisest tremble when incurring responsibilities on which may depend our country’s peace and prosperity, and in some degree the hopes and happiness of the whole human family. – James K Polk
Bret Easton Ellis Writing a novel is not method acting and I find it easy to step out of it at cocktail hour. – Bret Easton Ellis
Cheo Hodari Coker The thing that all police officers decide when they wake up in the morning is that they’re going home. – Cheo Hodari Coker
CarGary Johnson That’s the first sign you know you’re a Libertarian. You see the red light. You stop. You realize that there’s not a car in sight. And you put your foot on the gas. – Gary Johnson
Rivers Cuomo I always loved the ‘L.A. Weekly.’ I totally looked up to it when Weezer was starting out, and I always wanted to be in it, and they always totally ignored us! – Rivers Cuomo
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