Alvin Toffler We futurists have a magic button. We follow every statement about a failed forecast with ‘yet.’ – Alvin Toffler Button Quotes Failed Quotes Follow Quotes Forecast Quotes Futurists Quotes Magic Quotes Statement Quotes People of the future may suffer not from an absence of choice but from a paralysing surfeit of it. They may turn out to be victims of that peculiarly super-industrial dilemma: overchoice. Most managers were trained to be the thing they most despise – bureaucrats.
Jesus Navas It will be very nice to meet Jordi Alba. We both play with spee,d and it will be a very challenging mini-game. Who would win in a 100 metres race? I don’t know. – Jesus Navas
Hailee SteinfeldMom My mom taught me to live by the three p’s: to always be passionate, persistent, and prepared. – Hailee Steinfeld
Peter Serafinowicz Twitter taught me how to become better at writing jokes because it forces you to chip away at all the extraneous words. – Peter Serafinowicz
Alan MooreFunny I like Jacques Derrida; I think he’s funny. I like my philosophy with a few jokes and puns. I know that that offends other philosophers; they think he’s not taking things seriously, but he comes up with some marvellous puns. Why shouldn’t you have a bit of fun while dealing with the deepest issues of the mind? – Alan Moore
Colin Morgan Nowadays, kids know how a programme like Merlin is made and how it works. But the show just seems to grow in popularity the more it goes on. – Colin Morgan
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