James Gleick We get better search results and we see more appropriate advertising when we let Google know who we are. – James Gleick Advertising Quotes Google Quotes Search Quotes Flying was great. You have to think fast. You have to develop intuition about the physics of air moving quickly over a surface. It is seldom right to say that anything is true ‘according to Google.’ Google is the oracle of redirection. Go there for ‘hamadryad,’ and it points you to Wikipedia. Or the Free Online Dictionary. Or the Official Hamadryad Web Site (it’s a rock band, too, wouldn’t you know).
Portia de Rossi The first time I was paparazzi’d, I thought I was being investigated for an insurance claim. – Portia de Rossi
Kato Kaelin I ended up living at OJ’s because Nicole bought a home that no longer had a guest house. OJ offered his guest house to me. Anybody in LA looking for a place knows the best places to live are guest houses. – Kato Kaelin
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