George Papandreou We Greeks want change. We know there are problems in our system. We have great potential but we need to manage our country well. Now that hasn’t been done over the last decades. And that is, of course, what we are paying for. – George Papandreou Change Quotes Country Quotes Decades Quotes Greeks Quotes Manage Quotes Paying Quotes Potential Quotes The Greek people do not want to exit the euro. And I believe the Greek people already have shown that they have made major sacrifices to stay in the euro zone. If we were the problem, it would be very convenient – kick Greece out, everything’s fine. What would happen to Spain, what about Portugal, what about Italy, what about the whole of the euro zone? We need more cooperation and less simplification and prejudice.
Margo Price I had the most frustrating thing happen when I was trying to find a label. I sent my album to this indie label, and they were like, ‘We already have two girls on the label. I’m so sorry, we just can’t take your project.’ – Margo Price
Olivia Culpo I’m still really interested in acting, I love film so much. It’s definitely something I’m going to explore as well. – Olivia Culpo
Bob Edwards Any outfit that has to beg its listeners for money is an organization that has to constantly please its listeners or it will dry up and go away. It shouldn’t work when you think about it. – Bob Edwards
Charles R SwindollFriendship It’s the most exciting thing to watch God work when I’ve asked him about something, to listen to him and watch him work. It’s like this friendship, and it just grows and grows and grows and grows. – Charles R Swindoll
Anita Bryant I get a tremendous thrill out of speaking about Jesus and what He has done for me. – Anita Bryant
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