Adam MansbachParenting We had a kid. The kid was awesome. She didn’t fall asleep easily. We complained about it. We got frustrated. But we didn’t look for an out. We just accepted that this was part of parenting. – Adam Mansbach Accepted Quotes Asleep Quotes Awesome Quotes Complained Quotes Easily Quotes Fall Quotes Frustrated Quotes Kid Quotes Parenting Quotes When it comes right down to it, developing a critical sensibility about parenting isn’t really about disapproval; it’s about honing your own sensibilities, figuring out how you want to parent. There was kind of a no-nonsense parenting style that my parents had that was true of the time. Everything now… there are books, and there are websites, and there are blogs, and you’re reading, and there’s research. We’re such an interconnected world now, and half the stuff they did was pretty terrible, but we somehow turned out fine.
Ed Kowalczyk From the very beginning, we were all a hundred and ten percent about the music, from the very early days when we could barely play our instruments, and we were just covering other people’s songs when we were in high school. – Ed Kowalczyk
Mohammed Morsi Egypt is practicing its very normal role on its soil and does not threaten anyone and there should not be any kind of international or regional concerns at all from the presence of Egyptian security forces. – Mohammed Morsi
Antoine Fuqua I became a director just for the love of movies, because of the power of cinema. – Antoine Fuqua
Ilan Stavans The mandate we have as Jews is for the story of the Exodus from Egypt to be retold every generation. – Ilan Stavans
David Villa It was a great time in my career, playing for Barcelona with the best players in the world, in the best team in the world at that moment. It was amazing for me. I can always say to anyone that I played at Barcelona with Messi, with Xavi, with Iniesta, with Pedro, with Pique. And we won a lot of trophies. – David Villa
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