Felipe VI of SpainTrust We have a great country, we are a great nation – let us trust in it. – Felipe VI of Spain Country Quotes Nation Quotes Trust Quotes When trust improves, the mood improves. When you’re a mom and you have three children, nothing bothers you. Trust me. Who cares what people say? I’ve got other things to deal with.
Sarah Jeong People don’t object to spying on the grounds that the secret dossier about them might be full of errors. They object to spying because it’s spying. – Sarah Jeong
Elizabeth GilbertFood Listen – of course money changes everything, but so does sunlight, and so does food: These are powerful but neutral energy sources, neither inherently good nor evil but shaped only by the way we use them. – Elizabeth Gilbert
Louis C KRomantic If you’re a woman and a guy’s ever said anything romantic to you, he just left off the second part that would have made you sick if you could have heard it. – Louis C K
Lady Gregory It was in a stonecutter’s house where I went to have a headstone made for Raftery’s grave that I found a manuscript book of his poems, written out in the clear beautiful Irish characters. – Lady Gregory
Dan Jenkins CEOs are worried they’re going to get fired any minute. They’re worried about their portfolios. – Dan Jenkins
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