P R Sreejesh We have an edge over the Asian countries because we are playing European and Indian style of hockey, but we need to perform consistently. – P R Sreejesh Asian Quotes Consistently Quotes Countries Quotes Edge Quotes European Quotes Hockey Quotes Indian Quotes Perform Quotes Playing Quotes Style Quotes We are Asian champions, but we cannot take chances. The best part of any game is that we forget all that happens outside the field when we play, it is a game and we give our best.
Allison Anders The women I cast have to embody all sorts of contradictions… I have to find the right woman to speak to other women. – Allison Anders
Iggy Pop I stare at myself in the mirror and I think, ‘Wow, I’m really great-looking.’… I think I’m the greatest, anyway. – Iggy Pop
Che GuevaraTruth The only passion that guides me is for the truth… I look at everything from this point of view. – Che Guevara
Buffy Sainte-Marie But in the old days, visual artists used to fall into two distinct categories: those of us who created images with cameras and those of us who applied stuff onto other stuff, with brushes or other tools. – Buffy Sainte-Marie
Ben Hopkins I think that when you’re queer, you grow up with these kinds of men who might have made you feel small because of who you are. They could be part of your family, or somebody on the street, or a teacher. – Ben Hopkins
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