Paulo Coelho We have lost contact with reality, the simplicity of life. – Paulo Coelho Contact Quotes Life Quotes Lost Quotes Reality Quotes Simplicity Quotes We have to stop and be humble enough to understand that there is something called mystery. I am 100 per cent Virgo, stubborn, over-organised, slightly abstracted from the rest of the world.
LeadershipZainab Salbi Leadership is about encouraging women to break their silence and tell their stories to the world. – Zainab Salbi
Anthony Johnson Things happen all the time and nothing ever goes the way you truly planned. – Anthony Johnson
John Lanchester In the world where people with money overlap with restaurants and try to work out how to make more money, one of the things they talk about is the desire to find ‘the new pizza.’ This means a new mass-market product that can be made quickly and eaten both on the premises and as a takeaway. – John Lanchester
Chris Chibnall There’s something very interesting about world leaders promising hope and then carrying through on that. – Chris Chibnall
Pat Robertson Something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it. They were under the heel of the French… and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. – Pat Robertson
Roger Ver I don’t think it’s any sort of stretch of the imagination to say that, very, very realistically, each single bitcoin, if bitcoin becomes popular, will have to be worth at least tens of thousands of dollars. – Roger Ver
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