Josiah Strong We have seen… that, although England is by far the richest nation of Europe, we have already outstripped her in the race after wealth, and we have only begun the development of our vast resources. – Josiah Strong Begun Quotes Development Quotes England Quotes Europe Quotes Nation Quotes Outstripped Quotes Race Quotes Resources Quotes Richest Quotes Vast Quotes Wealth Quotes This is due partly to the fact that Americans are much better fed than Europeans, and partly to the undeveloped resources of a new country, but more largely to our climate, which acts as a constant stimulus.
ChristmasIvan LendlTravel I just travel all the time. And I was just looking at the schedules now and starting the first week of October I will be every weekend with somebody at tournaments through Christmas. So it gets very difficult to just go away and not do that. – Ivan Lendl
Morley Safer In many ways when Jerry Ford pardoned Nixon, in a certain way, he did speak for the country. – Morley Safer
Bebe Rexha I just want to be a little more real. Maybe I’m a little bit darker than others. – Bebe Rexha
Doug Pederson Football is a physical strenuous sport. These guys are running all of the time. – Doug Pederson
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