David Gill We have sensible fans and sensible policies. – David Gill Fans Quotes Policies Quotes We have the fact we sell out every week to 67,500 and hopefully 75,000 in the future. We have a lot of assets. We had to support our player and genuinely felt, like Rio has said, that it was an honest mistake. It is important to know that Manchester United never said, and Rio Ferdinand never said, that a mistake hadn’t been made.
Stanley B Prusiner The Nobel Prizes are much more than awards to scholars; they are a celebration of civilization, of mankind, and of what makes humans unique – that is their intellect from which springs creativity. – Stanley B Prusiner
EqualityGlenn Greenwald I’ve praised Obama’s record on same-sex equality as enthusiastically as anyone: it’s one area where his record has been impressive. I understand, and have expressed, the emotional importance for LGBT Americans of his marriage announcement as well as its political significance. – Glenn Greenwald
Naomi Alderman When a marriage founders, this may well be cause for tremendous sadness, but it’s not a failure of spirit or character. People change, their goals and dreams alter, their ideas of themselves grow, or they just meet someone they like better. – Naomi Alderman
CL A lot of Asian girls love being basic because it’s safe. But the thing is, a lot of my fans are those girls, and they want to be bolder, but there’s no one they could look up to and be like, ‘It’s OK to be that way.’ – CL
Elizabeth Taylor I’m a survivor – a living example of what people can go through and survive. – Elizabeth Taylor
Chevy ChaseHumor Let’s not call physical comedy falling down and pratfalls. All humor is physical, no matter how you dish it out. It’s timing, like a dancer or an athlete would have. – Chevy Chase
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