Morgan OrtagusPatience We have told the Iranian regime countless times, do not confuse President Trump’s strategic patience with weakness. – Morgan Ortagus Confuse Quotes Countless Quotes Iranian Quotes Patience Quotes President Quotes Regime Quotes Strategic Quotes Times Quotes Told Quotes Trumps Quotes Weakness Quotes I owe Bum Phillips a huge tip of the 10-gallon hat. He had patience with me when I started my NFL career in New Orleans. And he stuck with me until we got it right. While the 2011 revolution did not remove the regime, it has shortened the seemingly endless patience that many Egyptians once had for military rule.
Catherine Ndereba I still do intense interval training. I like miles and quarters best. In races I can set my mind, and I believe I could break 2:20 again. – Catherine Ndereba
Chunky Pandey I get excited when people talk about Ananya and Ahaan. Whatever I couldn’t do in my life, my children will. – Chunky Pandey
Andy Cole I was depressed after the transplant because it’s very tough to understand the trauma you still face. I remember emptying a big bag of medication and just crying and thinking, ‘For me to survive another day, this is what I’ve got to take. For the rest of my life. I’m not sure I can continue.’ – Andy Cole
Colin Quinn I love people, I love studying people more than history. So whatever situation I see, then I look at, what were the people like, more than history itself. – Colin Quinn
Jim JamesPeace There’s so much chaos and trouble in the world right now, and we need to broadcast as much peace and love, too. – Jim James
Evangeline Lilly One of the things that I miss about Canada is that even the strangers, you have an immediate rapport, there’s just an understanding that we’re all good people, let’s be nice to each other. And Kiwis have that. I find the Kiwis have that. – Evangeline Lilly
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