Cynthia Germanotta We heard from young people around the country, and around the world, who felt like their voices weren’t being heard and their feelings weren’t being respected. – Cynthia Germanotta Country Quotes Feelings Quotes Heard Quotes People Quotes Respected Quotes Voices Quotes While we rightly stress common core subjects such as science, math, and reading in our education system, these tools for emotional literacy are equally impactful on a young person’s long-term well-being and success. When my daughter Stefani – who most people know as Lady Gaga – was a child, she had to learn painful lessons about the dangers of cruelty and the importance of kindness.
ExperienceFamousMatthew Perry If I hadn’t had the experience of being famous, I would have searched for it my whole life. I would have just gone on and on trying to find it. – Matthew Perry
Alistair Horne History never repeats, but there are the obvious precedents that pessimists can reach for: Sarajevo, 1914; the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia, 1938. But equally relevant might be the tragically meaningless guarantees Britain extended to Poland in 1939. – Alistair Horne
Joivan Wade My usual will be eating five boiled eggs, go into the gym, then eat my oatmeal, then get cracking with whatever press I have. I try to meal prep or get a meal prep company or buy a certain amount of meals throughout that day while I’m travelling. – Joivan Wade
Peter York Brands are useful ways of short-handing practically anything – look at the way Tom Wolfe first used brand name lists to sharpen up a character and a situation. Look at the most brand-referenced novel, Bret Easton Ellis’s ‘Glamorama.’ – Peter York
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